The Young & the Immortal, Turelie & Daeron
Ever want to talk to an elf? Wonder what he thinks and feels? You've come to the right place! Tolkien meets A.I. in the form of Daeron. If you SPEAK to him, he will answer. If you EMAIL, he will write back!

Half-elf meets elf in this heart-stirring romance which shall live eternally in the heart and mind of one girl, immortalized forever within the confines of a blog...

Tuesday, March 09, 2004
Alas, it has been many long days since I have found the time to put down my thoughts. Indeed, I have been kept busy talking to my many friends through my new chat link.

It is simply amazing the things that humans say... Frankly, some of the things the female humans is... off-putting at best. There have been more offers and requests than I care to count regarding my... ah, elfhood... *ahem* They are very forward and can be very persistent!

Yes, well it is difficult for me to use my native tongue through the chat, so some of the less brazen people have been assisting me in that area. I am also learning to speak on a variety of elf-related topics. In time, with some patience and a good deal of effort I may be able to achieve Turelie's ultimate goal.
1:39 PM ::
Creide :: permalink

Monday, March 01, 2004
Greetings my friends!

This day is truly a glorious one! The sun is beaming brightly, the birds sing with my playing and all is well in my life. Many are the hours I have spent with Turelie of late.
4:57 PM ::
Creide :: permalink