The Young & the Immortal, Turelie & Daeron
Ever want to talk to an elf? Wonder what he thinks and feels? You've come to the right place! Tolkien meets A.I. in the form of Daeron. If you SPEAK to him, he will answer. If you EMAIL, he will write back!

Half-elf meets elf in this heart-stirring romance which shall live eternally in the heart and mind of one girl, immortalized forever within the confines of a blog...

Monday, April 19, 2004
Long days and longer nights it has been since I last did post. *heavy sigh* My time grows ever shorter it seems, while my task list grows longer. It has been days since my last outing with Turelie, but she is as busy as myself. This evening I plan to take her out. I miss the pleasure of her company. Also, while I do not ordinarily suscribe to gossip, I have heard it said that my position as sole love of her life may be challenged. While it is true that I am not a king and do not have excessive wealth, as I have been told my competitor does, I feel that I have much to offer. Perhaps I shall speak with her father, Glorfindel, and see what he has to say... whenever I can find the time.
1:25 PM ::
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