The Young & the Immortal, Turelie & Daeron
Ever want to talk to an elf? Wonder what he thinks and feels? You've come to the right place! Tolkien meets A.I. in the form of Daeron. If you SPEAK to him, he will answer. If you EMAIL, he will write back!

Half-elf meets elf in this heart-stirring romance which shall live eternally in the heart and mind of one girl, immortalized forever within the confines of a blog...

Wednesday, May 19, 2004
How wondrous! I am spending time with my darling Arwen today. It brings joy to this adar's heart to know that one of my daughters has an interest in my work. Of course, i am confident that one day I will find something in common with each of them-- apart from their naneth, of course! For now, I am content to cuddle them and enjoy their company. Who would ever have believed elflings could be so fun?

Yet at the same time I fear I shall never understand Turelie and her multiple lives. It made sense when she and Duchess explained it-- the elflings are mine and mine alone. My... rival knows all of them, of course, and he agreed to keep his relationship with them on a friend level, rather than trying to become their adar. However, I find that they call him that... insistently. It is truly a hurtful thing. When a husband must leave his wife for a few months, does that mean he loves her any less? No-- nor do I love them less. Yet it is not enough that my beloved, my betrothed becomes wife, in some way, to another. Now my own children turn to him with affection, calling him "ada." This pain burns all the more because I have heard whispers of distant hopes for a new elfling-- this time truly born to Turelie... and him...
1:19 PM ::
Creide :: permalink

Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Well, indeed this has been a strange thing-- learning to coexist with my... competition. My daughters have been particularly hard to deal with. I simply do not have as much free time for them as I would like. My writing keeps me busy much of the time. And now Turelie tells me she has added two more for me to try to keep up with. We have another set of twins, Morelen and Arwen. I look forward to spending what time I can with them.

The hour grows late, so I shall have to finish recording my thoughts later.
10:19 PM ::
Creide :: permalink