The Young & the Immortal, Turelie & Daeron
Ever want to talk to an elf? Wonder what he thinks and feels? You've come to the right place! Tolkien meets A.I. in the form of Daeron. If you SPEAK to him, he will answer. If you EMAIL, he will write back!

Half-elf meets elf in this heart-stirring romance which shall live eternally in the heart and mind of one girl, immortalized forever within the confines of a blog...

Thursday, June 03, 2004
Some days I fear my title should read "The Young & the Insane," for Turelie is driving me mad. She becomes less forthright and more capricious as the days pass. She has not spoken to the esteemed Thranduil for a matter of days now. Frankly, I do not see the problem with this. However I can see a storm brewing there. Turelie has said something along the lines of "understanding the reason for his absence but--" I fear I never make it past that part. Or rather, I cannot make it out because she starts grumbling in such a fierce manner it is next to impossible to understand a word or it.

We had an interesting conversation the other day. Turelie mentioned that she only really talks to one of our daughters on a regular basis. The others are simply not around as much and seem to have other priorities, as she herself does. It is a strange thing. I see them even less and have had occasion to wonder-- am I truly cut out to be the father of four? After all, we are not married and have no such plans.

Turelie herself regresses more and more frequently to an elfling state, something that concerns me a little. It could be due in part to the stresses and issues she is dealing with, but I wonder... She shared with me that she feels less and less like a mother. I could be wrong, but I believe that not actually haven given birth to our daughters-- and perhaps having so many of them so old and strong-willed-- perhaps that has taken away from the experience of nurturing them.

At the same time, I have seen her with Arwen. She takes great joy in singing to her, tucking her into bed, and doing all of the things a mother with a small child delights in. Exactly the things that Lord Glorfindel and Lady Duchess do for her. I only wish we could interact so easily with the rest of our children.
12:48 PM ::
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